It has been brought to the notice of the Companies Registry that legal proceedings have been commenced to dispute the appointments of the Company's directors and the alteration of the Company's Articles. The information about these matters contained in Form ND2A, Forms NAA1, Altered Articles of Association and Special Resolution (Ref. No. 22901809456-459 and 23001613633-635) is subject to complaint in Court. Readers of those documents should exercise caution.
公司註冊處得悉法律程序已展開,就此公司在董事委任及公司章程細則修改提出異議。表格 ND2A、表格NAR1、經修改的章程細則及特別決議(參考編號:22901809456-459及23001613633-635)所載的資將按法庭指示處理。閱讀此等文件者應審慎行事。