(CR No: 0160580) was incorporated on 23-OCT-1985 in Hong Kong.
Their business is recorded as Private company limited by shares.
The Company's current operating status is Live
It was brought to the notice of the Companies Registry that legal proceedings regarding the ownership and directorship of the Company are in progress. The legal proceedings involve the information contained in the Form ND2A (Document Reference No. 23700364472) and Form NSC1 (Document Reference No. 23001554593). Readers of information on this regard should exercise caution. 公司註冊處得悉該公司的所有權及董事職位有法律訴訟正在進行。法律訴訟涉及表格ND2A (參考編號23700364472) 及表格NSC1 (參考編號23001554593)內的資料。 閱讀這些資料的人士應謹慎行事。